Saturday, September 13, 2008

saturdays sandstorm...

well, i wanted to share as much of the experience as i could without losing my mind.  i got some video this time too so it should give you a good idea as to what the sandstorms look like.  today's was intense because we had some serious lightning with it that i could never catch but some of the thunder can be heard.  hopefully this works so you can see what i'm talking about.  that movie hidalgo really portrays it well.  enjoy.

so the video did not load right and for now i can't get it to load... hope the pictures will do for now...

1 comment:

susie said...

I was very interested in the sandstorm and wanted to watch the slide show, but it is not available yet. Hope we get it one of these days. You are doing great work on the blog. Love You Most; :) Mom