Wednesday, February 4, 2009


so its been a while since i have been on here to post any new blogs.  there has been a lot happening all around me.  we found out recently that we are finishing up our contract here and that toward the end of march, we will be home.  we are anxious and kinda sad at the same time.  partly because there is the chance of the unknown... but i have a wonderful opportunity coming my way.  i have the most amazing girl who loves me and who i can't live without.  we are hoping that we will soon be celebrating on and island called kwajalein.  its in the middle of the pacific ocean and is a tropical paradise.  i hope i can trade this sandy dusty place for some sand of the beach variety.  it should be a great adventure and cathy is the only person that i can imagine being with in paradise.  hope you are ready for that baby.  so hope we get it going sooner than later.

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